Transform Your Smile with Our Dental Services

our services

Experience exceptional dental care tailored to your needs. From routine cleanings to cosmetic dentistry, our skilled team is dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Discover our range of comprehensive services and let us guide you on your dental journey.

General Dentistry

General Dentistry is at the core of all our treatments. At Nelspruit Dental Practice, we aim to promote and maintain your oral health through prevention, early detection, and treatment of dental conditions.


A filling is used to treat a small hole, or cavity, in a tooth. The dentist removes the decayed tooth tissue and fills the space with a filling material.


A tooth extraction may be necessary for various reasons, including severe damage or decay.

Root Canal Treatments

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that relieves pain caused by an infection or abscess. During the root canal process, the inflamed pulp is removed, and the tooth is cleaned and restored.



Orthodontics is a specialist branch of dentistry. The term orthodontics can be broken down into two Greek words – orthos meaning straight or correct and dontics meaning teeth. Orthodontics, therefore, describes the practice of straightening misaligned teeth or malocclusions. Dentists who specialise in orthodontics can help manage abnormal positioning of the teeth, jaws, and face.
  • Fixed Braces

Fixed braces consist of square brackets attached to each tooth, with a wire running through them, which gradually moves your teeth into the correct position.

  • Clear Aligners – Invisible Braces

Clear aligners are an advanced orthodontic technology that moves your teeth with a series of aligners that are crystal clear, removable, and comfortable. Clear aligners are a great alternative to metal braces for adults and teenagers. They are virtually unnoticeable and a convenient way to improve your smile. It is a custom orthodontic treatment specifically designed to match your unique oral needs.

Cosmetic Dentistry

A Smile Makeover can change your entire life. Don’t hide your Smile behind your hand! Veneers are best used on anterior teeth to fix cracks, gaps, chips, discoloration, and other aesthetic problems associated with a smile.

Teeth Whitening

A fast, simple, and immediate way to achieve that dazzling smile you’ve been longing for. Teeth whitening procedures are safe, affordable, and definitely worth it.

Emergency Dental Services

A toothache can be a nightmare and emerge when least expected. At Nelspruit Dental Practice, we offer emergency assistance.


Oral Hygiene Dental Check-ups

Dental Cleanings
Good oral hygiene results in a mouth that looks and smells healthy. Oral hygiene is performed by a professional Oral Hygienist

CEREC - Digital Dentistry

Same-day Crown and Bridge Work. CEREC is the new standard in high-tech modern dentistry because of advances in technology.

Dental Implants

Missing teeth do more than just create a negative impression; they can lead to more serious complications if left untreated.


Facial Aesthetics

Anti-wrinkle injections are a simple, non-surgical procedure that smoothens facial lines and wrinkles. Botox relaxes the muscle enough to stop habitual grinding of teeth and clenching of the jaw.


Paediatric Dentistry

The tongue and lip are a very complex group of muscles and are important for all oral functions. Therefore, having a tongue-tie or a lip-tie can lead to nursing, feeding, dental, or speech problems.
  • Lip Ties

Lip-tie is a condition where the upper lip cannot be curled or moved normally.

  • Tongue Ties

Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition that limits the use of the tongue.

Onsite Dental Technician

We have an onsite Dental Technician available. Our technician is responsible for making our Implant crowns/bridges. This is a convenience as the lead time for your crown will improve.


A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that restores a decayed, broken, weak, or worn-down tooth. Dentists also use crowns to cover dental implants and root canal-treated teeth.


Dental veneers are custom-made shells that fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. They conceal cracks, chips, stains, and other cosmetic imperfections.


A dental bridge is used to bridge the gap between two healthy teeth where one or more teeth are missing. In most cases, a dental crown is placed on the healthy teeth on each side of the gap to support the bridge in between them.



A denture is a removable apparatus used to replace missing teeth. It can be used to replace a single or multiple missing teeth.


Dental Radiology

Dental X-rays can help your dentist detect oral health issues, like cavities and gum disease, before they worsen. There are many different types of dental X-rays, including intraoral (taken inside your mouth) and extraoral (taken outside your mouth). Dental X-rays are essential for proper oral health and maintenance.
  • Routine X-Rays

Dental X-rays help dentists visualize diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue that cannot be seen with a simple oral exam.

  • PAN (Panoramic X-Ray)

A two-dimensional (2-D) dental X-ray examination that captures the entire mouth in a single image, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, surrounding structures, and tissues.

  • CEPH (Cephalometric Analysis)

An X-ray similar to a panoramic X-ray, capable of capturing a full view of your skull and neck.

  • CBCT (Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography)

Dental cone beam computed tomography (CT) is a special type of X-ray equipment used when regular dental or facial X-rays are not sufficient.

Dental Implants

The best care

A dental implant is a titanium screw, representing the tooth root, that is surgically placed in the jawbone beneath your gums. It is done in the chair and is pain free. With our special local anesthesia and good aftercare you can be rest assured that it is not painful.  Once integrated with the bone, a replacement tooth in the form of an individual crown, bridge or denture can be mounted onto it.  

Dental implants feel more natural and comfortable than conventional bridges or dentures.  Where ordinary bridges and dentures are uncomfortable to some patients,  need regular adjusting and can damage adjacent teeth, implants offer a permanent, comfortable and effortless solution to replacement of missing teeth.  They also protect your jaw against bone loss, which is inevitable in missing teeth, and wearing dentures or bridges.

Dental implants lasts a lifetime and we give a lifetime guarantee on the implants. If implants come loose or are rejected by your bone we will replace it free of charge. Do you qualify for an implant? Most people do but it’s dependent on the location of the implant, bone availability and state of the gums.  Therefore good oral hygiene and regular dental visits is of utmost importance to ensure the long term success your implant can offer you.

I am a smoker, can I get an implant? Yes you can, with new technology almost anyone can have successful treatment with implants.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth Whitening

Having white teeth has always been a top priority for many patients. Your tooth colour can be affected by various factors, like excessive flouride intake, stains caused by various medications, smoking, red wine or coffee, or just discolouration with aging.  

There are two methods we use for tooth whitening, namely an at home system, and an in office system.  The at home system consists of a whitening kit that bleach your teeth while you sleep. It’s less expensive than the in office system, but the success depends on you, and how faithfully you partake in the process.  The in office system is called the ZOOM whitening system, and involves three 15 minute whitening sessions using modern light activating whitening agents.  It has great results as it can go up to 8 shades whiter, and has no post-procedure sensitivity.  You will also receive a take home kit to do touch ups as necessary.  

General Dentistry

General Dentistry is at the core of all our treatments.  At Nelspruit Dental Practice we aim to promote and maintain your oral health through prevention and early detection and treatment of dental conditions.  This includes regular examinations, cleaning, and x-rays. We believe in preserving natural teeth as far as possible to ensure you’ll have a healthy, natural smile, therefore we’ll always examine the whole oral cavity to prevent costly and serious dental diseases. 

Dental Cleanings

Scheduled cleanings removes the build-up of plaque and calculus, which are the main cause of tooth decay, – loss and gum disease.  We offer a scale and polish, as well as topical treatments to improve tooth sensitivity and strength, promoting general oral health and preventing decay


One of the most common concerns for visiting a dentist is tooth pain, with cavities being the main cause.  We know that metal fillings are highly visible and often cause patients to feel self-conscious about their smile.  Therefore we strive to use metal free fillings, offering you a natural looking, long-lasting solution. 

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy brings immediate relief of tooth pain caused by infection and inflammation as a result of a damaged, cracked or decayed tooth.  Root canal therapy  involves opening the tooth and removing the damaged structures within the roots.  The empty canals are then cleaned and sealed off.  Lastly the tooth is protected with a permanent filling or crown.

Tooth Restoration

There’s much more to tooth restoration than what meets the eye.  Through modern technology and improved techniques we aim to restore and maintain your smile by preventing tooth loss and filling up spaces between teeth, replacing missing teeth, replacing or improving old dentures and correcting an improper bite.  Crowns, Veneers and Bridges are treatment options we offer in replacing missing teeth.

Mouth guards and Bite Plates

A mouthguard is a rubber-like cover fitting over your teeth and gums, and worn to protect your teeth whenever you play sports that involves physical contact or moving objects.

A bite plate is moulded to your upper jaw, and separates the TM joint slightly to protect your teeth from damage caused by clenching and grinding. It is often worn while sleeping. The TMJ is one of the least understood areas of the body but also one of the most important joints in the body.

Pediatric Dentistry

We are aware that children are often afraid to visit the dentist. We love your little ones, and strive to make them as comfortable as possible when coming to visit us.  We also offer conscious sedation if it is deemed necessary to provide your child with the best dental care, which in turn reduces theater trips significantly. 

Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is a safe administration of drugs to make certain procedures not only possible in the comfort of the dentist office, but also pain-free. The benefits include that some procedures can be done safely outside the theater environment which lessens anxiety for patients scared of a traumatic theater experience. It is also much more cost effective than general anesthesia, has less side effects and the recovery time is also quicker. It involves a doctor specialized in conscious sedation to come to the office and administer the sedation here.

If you have any enquiries about any of our treatment options listed above, don't hesitate to contact us